
Showing posts from November, 2014

A Message To Our Leaders

In the Name of Allah the most gracious, Allah the lord of all creation.  La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah.  A Message to our Leaders.  O our leaders you should know that it is not your power or your wealth that have fetched you those positions but it is the will of the Almighty Allah. You leaders have thrown away justice and you have embraced injustice.  You devour our wealth while still, the hurricane of poverty is blowing within the county. You have substitute tyranny for leadership but yet you call it democracy. Our people's lives are becoming undignified and marked by violence, desperation and blood shed all these happening in the name of terrorism. You persuade the crowd through your honeyed words ''Saying you will do good'' but today we see no good except evil. You have governed the people through political oppression putting the lives of the youth in danger by instigating them to fight during elections.  O o...

Word of Advice to All.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. Distance yourself from sins And Allah will not distance Jannah Away from you. Jannah is waiting to accommodate you. But the choice is yours. The accommodation of hell is cheaper than that of Jannah because good things always come through hardship and struggle. Hell fire was never prepared for the believers, but for the disbelievers. And Jannah was not prepared to accommodate disbeliever but believers who fear Allah and do righteous good deeds. ------------------------ 5 Questions you should ponder and reflect upon. 1.Which party do you want to belong to, when the conversation will take place between the people of Jannah and the people of Jahannam? 2.What will be your answer to the questions you will be asked in the grave? You should know that stealing answers is not possible nor is bribery possible on that day. 3.How are you planning to cross the Bridge of Sirat, when the hell fire is below the bridge?  4. What are you planning to say when your deeds are bee...

''Yes certainly the help of Allah is near

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious Allah the Lord of All Creation. La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah - there is no power nor might except with Allah. ''Yes certainly the help of Allah is near'' We live in a time where we find ourselves in a critical condition due to the type of sins we commit. The only solution is to guard strictly the others of Allah even if it is going to be against ourselves, to be able to speak the truth even it be against yourself. ''Yes certainly the help of Allah is near''. If we want the mercy of Allah to descend, if we want the help of Allah to descend, then we must do Actions. Actions that will make a change, actions like that of Abubakar and Umar(RA) and rest of the  Companions(RA) Do not let your love for this world divert you from the path of Allah. May Allah grant us the ability to translate our speech into action and may he grants us Jannat ul Firdaus.