A Message To Our Leaders

In the Name of Allah the most gracious, Allah the lord of all creation. 

La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah. 

A Message to our Leaders. 

O our leaders you should know that it is not your power or your wealth that have fetched you those positions but it is the will of the Almighty Allah.

You leaders have thrown away justice and you have embraced injustice. 

You devour our wealth while still, the hurricane of poverty is blowing within the county.

You have substitute tyranny for leadership but yet you call it democracy.

Our people's lives are becoming undignified and marked by violence, desperation and blood shed all these happening in the name of terrorism.

You persuade the crowd through your honeyed words ''Saying you will do good'' but today we see no good except evil.

You have governed the people through political oppression putting the lives of the youth in danger by instigating them to fight during elections. 

O our leaders, it is said ''To the world you may be an ICON, a REVOLUTIONARY, a Billionaire or a king but to the Angel of death, You are just a name on a list.

Be aware that the end of any Tyrant or an oppressor is regret.

O our leaders if you fail to do justice because of some worldly gains, then know that Allah never breaks his promise.

If you are doubting that the Almighty(Allah) is unaware of that which you do then consider your self to be in plain error.

''Consider not that Allah is unaware of that which the Wrong-doers do, but he gives them RESPITE up to the day the eyes will stare in Horror.(Qur'an 14:42)
Truly Allah is swift at reckoning(14:51)

Wait you, and we too are waiting and Allah does not guide those who are Al-fasiqun(the rebellious, disobedient to Allah).


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