
Showing posts from April, 2017

Mahram as a special security Escort.

In the name of Allah, the most beneficent  the most merciful. La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah - There is no power nor might Except with Allah. A lot of people view Islam as an outdated religion based on their Argument that Islam Does not conform to Civilization, but this in itself is a plain error. Civilization needs to conform to the laws of nature as designed by God himself. Anything contrary to the laws of God can hence not be attributed to civilization. Many people will label those who adhere to their religious teachings as not being civilized but will gradually take their selves and their barbaric ways as civilized. One of the Concepts in Islam that will leave you marvelling, is the Concept of a Woman travelling with a Mahram. Many people frown at the issue of a Woman travelling without a Mahram but I hope after reading this they will not.  During the pre-Islamic era, a Woman could not travel through the lands all alone due to criminal activities s...

Queens Without Crowns👑

  Queens without Crowns👑 As a queen, you will thrive Just like  a Queen bee in the hive. She differs In her looks from other bees in the hive. So do you differ in appearance Amidst the crowd with your hijab. They said all queens shared crowns made of Gold,  But you Share modesty ordained by God. They call you oppress, I ask Who dare say this to a Queen? You Purchase modesty, and devalued indecency. You choose strength over weakness,  yet you are named depress. Uncivilized you are called, But immoral you are not. While you dress to cover,  They dress to uncover. If only they could perceive what awaits them, Indecency will be history With Many cultures now accepting indecency as a norm, To modesty, you conform. So rejoice and Smile, And Do not feel depressed. For Your lord have Elevated you to a queen like a pawn in chess. _A Status only the chaste can attain.  Ibn Ad...