In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious, Allah the Lord of All Creations

La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- There is no Power nor Might Except with Allah.

"If you count Allah's blessing and bounties(upon you, they are so many that) you will never be able to number them. Most surely, Allah is Great Protector, Ever Merciful.

Dear Readers, this is a question to you " what have you done to prove your love for Allah(SWT)?

Is it by stealing other peoples property you will prove your love for Allah, or is it by cheating on others you will prove your love for Allah, or is it by missing your Salatul Fajr, or is it by riding the latest car, you will prove your love for Allah(SWT), or is it by disobeying Allah(SWT)? 

why do we tend to deviate from the path of Allah, why do we strive for this Duniya more than we strive For the Akhirah, "Ya Salam", Are we going to Achieve Jannah by doing All these, 

you said you love Allah, and one of the ways to show someone you love him is through Actions.  If were to ask you what have you done to prove your love for Allah what will be your Answer? Be sincere to yourself, because one of the ways to rectify your mistake is by recognizing your Mistake, let us be sincere in our dealings because it will help us to rectify our Mistake.

By Allah, if you were to count the blessing which Allah has bestowed on you, wallah you will never be able to count them, and Allah has granted us this blessing just to keep us moving and the main purpose of these blessings is to enable us to worship Allah(SWT) in the right form.

But today we use these very blessings in a way that displeases Allah(SWT) instead we should use it in a way that pleases the Maker(Allah).

why do we get deluded by the Luxuries of this life, why do we tend to love this world More than we love Allah and his Rasul(Messenger), and what did Allah say about these, he says in Suratul Tawba chapter 9 verse 24

 " If it be your Fathers your son, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, and the money which you have gathered, the business which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you reside is more loving to you than Allah, his Messenger, and jihad (striving in the way of Allah), wait until Allah brings about a decision and Allah guides not the rebellious people". 

what a powerful verse, Allah says if you love the luxuries of this life more than you love Allah, his Messenger, and jihad, Allah is given us a warning, wait until he brings about a decision and Allah does not guide the disobedient people. 

Brothers and Sister we must open our eyes an apprehend the truth in its right form. Is time for you to change your character and turn back to the right path.

Start to prove your love for Allah by doing righteous deeds and Allah will love you more

Once more there is numerous way which Allah has proven that he loves us, ask yourself in what way have you proven that you love Allah.?

The only to prove to Allah you love him is following and acting in accordance with the teachings of the last prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (PBUH).

May Allah grant us the ability to love him and he should love us back and grant us the highest level in Jannah.                


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