Actions and words

In the name of Allah the most gracious, Allah the Lord of All creations.

La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah - there is no power nor might except with Allah.

It is ridiculous to how we Muslims live our lives today, most especially the youth. It's very easy today for a Muslim to say he worship Allah rather than physically executing the action. Nevertheless, it has become the battle of eloquent words devoid of action.

During the time of the Companions (May Allah be pleased with them) it was a competition of actions and not words, and when it comes to words, no one could beat their Eloquence but yet, they back it up with actions.

It is Very easy today for the young folks to go on social media and put in their bio things like '' Allah first, Islam first, Proudly a Muslim etc.

But will go ahead to post/upload indecent pictures.
What is actually wrong with us?

Since is about decency, some will go to post pictures of theirs with hijab and niqab and be like, am putting on a hijab and niqab. Allah does not need you to post it on social media for him to know, surely he knows what is apparent and hidden.

Our lives since the advancement of social media have changed, but the effect either negative or positive is determined by how we use it.A few or thousand likes won't save us from the punishment of Allah. Every day we ask Allah to protect us from those who plot against us, little do we realize that we do more harm to ourselves more than we realize.

We should Pray and work hard that we do not become a source of destruction to ourselves. Nothing of what we do or earn counts in the eyes of Allah, except what is done for his sake, Sincerity Wal Mutaba'a (Conformity to the Sunnah) is the key to every action.

I pray that Allah grants us an ending with actions that pleases him the most.


  1. Ameen ameen and may Almighty Allah give u d power to continue with these works, Gaskiya yayi sosai


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