
Showing posts from October, 2014

The Journey to knowing who is Allah.

In the name of Allah the most Gracious, Allah the Lord of all creations. La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah - There is no power nor might except with Allah. The Journey To Knowing Who Is Allah - A spiritual purification. Why is it that I don't feel in my heart that I fear Allah(SWT)despite all the lectures I have listened to and all the Islamic books and article I have read?  Why is it that I haven't change for good? Why is it that when I read about the sahaba or the pious predecessor  I feel motivated to emulate their character but yet I fail to do so. These might be some of the questions bothering our minds But yet we haven't gotten the right answer to solve these problems? My brothers and sister to a person of intellect, when you analyze there is only one answer to these questions which is We haven't truly recognized who is Allah, who is our creator, and who is that being who have created the heavens and the earth and all that is between. It is true that the greatest ...

Connecting With Allah(swt)...

In the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful. Connecting with Allah(SWT).........  My brothers and sisters in Islam there is no single blessing which Allah(SWT) has bestowed on us except that he has given us those blessing to help us get more connected to Him(Allah SWT).  But we turn out to get disconnected from Allah using that very gift and blessing which Allah(SWT) has bestowed on us. When you get disconnect from Allah, what happens? You have a new connection, which connection is that you get connected to the Satan and if you get connected to the Satan you begin to deviate from the path of Allah(SWT).  Secure your connection with Allah before the Satan hack into your connection through your desires.  The best and strong connection that will link you with Allah is your salah.  How can you connect with Allah when you don't know the meaning of the words you are Uttering, imagine you are standing in front of your maker(Allah) but you don't know the ...