Connecting With Allah(swt)...

In the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful.

Connecting with Allah(SWT)......... 

My brothers and sisters in Islam there is no single blessing which Allah(SWT) has bestowed on us except that he has given us those blessing to help us get more connected to Him(Allah SWT). 

But we turn out to get disconnected from Allah using that very gift and blessing which Allah(SWT) has bestowed on us. When you get disconnect from Allah, what happens? You have a new connection, which connection is that you get connected to the Satan and if you get connected to the Satan you begin to deviate from the path of Allah(SWT). 

Secure your connection with Allah before the Satan hack into your connection through your desires. 

The best and strong connection that will link you with Allah is your salah. 

How can you connect with Allah when you don't know the meaning of the words you are Uttering, imagine you are standing in front of your maker(Allah) but you don't know the meaning of the words you are saying, then in what way will you get connected to Allah(SWT). We have been offering Salah for the past 20,40 years but we don't know the meaning of the words we are uttering, Allahu Akbar. 

Believe me, when you stand in front of your maker without knowing the meaning of the words you are uttering, the connection is already lost since in the beginning. 

Start making an effort to learn the meaning of the words you are uttering in your salah your life will change. 

Your connection with Allah will only get stronger when you know the meaning of the words you are uttering and you are performing it with humility and full submissiveness. 

All the problems we are facing in life is connected to our salah, how can your problem be solved, when the means to solve the problems is done without humility and full submissiveness. 

Then where lies the solution? If you delve into the Qur'an Surah Muminoon chapter23  verse 1 to verse 2 Allah says: 
''Successful are the believers'' those who offer their salaat with humility and full submissiveness'' the verse above have proved that if you perform your salah with humility and full submissiveness then you will be successful and if you do not the opposite will happen. 

Start making an effort to learn the meaning of the words you are uttering in your salah your life will change. 

My brothers and sisters only speak out words that reconnect you with Allah, not words that disconnect you from Allah, it is for this reason that the prophet(SAW) said that, a person should speak good or keep quiet. 

The world is built around connection but the best connection is the connection between you and Allah and the worst of connection is the connection that deviates you from the side of Allah. 

May Allah(swt) secure our connection between him and us and may he grant us the ability to connect to our brothers and sisters in Islam so that we may motivate each other towards the path of Jannah and may he reunite us all in Jannatul Firdaus with our loved ones.


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