Alhamdulilah wa salatu wa salam ala rasulilah wa ala alihi wa sabihi ajmain ama ba'ad azubillahi mina shaytani rajim bismillahi rahmani raheem.
                           IN this article i will be talking  about the best profession, when we talk about profession people think about what you will do to earn a living and what you will do as a work but today this profession am talking about is a profession that will help in the both worlds, this world and the akira as well. This profession am talking is the profession that is better than the profession of being a doctor, lawyer,educationist, politicians etc.This profession am talking is not any other profession than the profession of calling people towards the religion of truth, the religion of justice, the religion of equality and the religion that has the solution to the problems of humanity,this religion am talking about is not any other religion but Islam (the only way of life). Now lets analyze a doctor is person that saves a person from certain illness or cure from a disease with God's permission but there is 2 thing a doctor cannot do, which are, a doctor cannot saves you from death when it comes nor can he saves you from entering hell fire. But this profession am talking(dawah) about, also cannot saves you from dying but it can saves you from entering hell fire which is far better than the doctors job, for example if  you talk to a non-believer about Islam and he embrace Islam indeed you have save him form dwelling in the hellfire forever, though for him not to even test the hell fire that is left with his own attitude(good or bad) . 
                 If you take dawah as your profession you are not just doing a profession but you are obeying the commands of your lord Allah(swt), Allah say in the holy Qur'an suratul nahl chapter 16 verse 125 ''invite all to the way of there lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching an argue with them in the way that are best and gracious" Allah(swt) is telling us to do dawah with wisdom and beautiful preaching and argue with them in the way that are best an gracious, this is one of the way to do dawah. 

               Also if you take dawah as a profession and also not just as a profession but something you do regularly,you are also following the commandments of prophet Muhammad (saw) the best man ever created. He says in sahi buhari volume 4 hadith 3461 " propagate my message if even it is one verse as long as you know it correct about Islam it is your duty to convey it those who are not aware of it. Apart from that you are following the commandments of Allah and his rasul you are also doing the job of all the prophet, isn't that amazing doing the job which Allah the almighty as commanded all the prophet to do.
                             Allah(swt) is giving us an opportunity to do a prophet job and to earn a prophet reward. Allah says in suratul al imran chapter 3 verse 104 "Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining al-ma`roof (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden). And it is they who are successful." (Qur'an, Aal Imraan: 104) and Allah(swt) says in suratul fusillat verse 33 that " who is better in speech than he who calls towards Allah and say am one of the Muslim" i will like to end this article with a hadith of the prophet '' the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) has said: "Whoever guides (another) to a good deed will get a reward similar to the one who performs it." (Sahih Muslim) Also, "By Allah, if Allah were to guide one man through you it would be better for you than the best type of camels." (Bukhari, Muslim) i don't think there is any other profession with this type of qualities i have mention,with this i will say this is the best profession to do ever at least any Muslim should be a per-term da'ee . wa akiru dawahna anil hamdulilah rabil alamin.


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