In The Name of Allah the most gracious, Allah the Lord of All creations.
Death is unpredictable but yet it is certain. No one from amongst the humans not even the arrogant philosophers or the so-called free thinkers doubt it.

No need to welcome death before it pays a visit. When it took the millions and billions who have died, they weren't given any notice. Sooner or later Death will also pay us a visit 

The Quran says; ''kullun nafsin zaikatul maut'' every soul shall taste death.

We have to realize that some opportunities come once, and the opportunity to grab the reward of the hereafter is in this world. We shouldn't let it pass. This world is a place where we do everything we can to please the supreme creator(Allah) in order to gain the reward of paradise.

The world is a place of worship and not a place for Amusement and play. It is important we realize that this world is a test for everyone. We all will partake in the test and only those who pass shall have the reward of paradise.

So let us become conscious of Allah(swt) and prepare ourselves for the day we are going to meet our creator(Allah) Before death pays us a visit. 

Each time we breathe, we are taking a step closer to our graves.

May Allah grant us the ability to do what is good and forbid what is evil and to grant us Death with ikhlas.


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