In The Name Of Allah The most gracious, Allah the lord of All Creations.
If you belive in this statement that me and you are all striving for jannah then we have agreed upon the condition placed by the supreme creator (Allah) which we surely lead us to paradise. Can our evil deed lead us to paradise surely the answer is NO.
      So what are the condition placed by Allah(swt) which will lead us to paradise. Allah says in the glorious Quran suratul kahf chapter 18 verse 107 '' Verily those who belive( in the oneñess of Allah-Islamic monothesim) and do righteous deeds shall have the gardens of Al-Firdaus for their entertaiment.
      Allah says in suratul Mu'minun chapter 23 verse 8-11 '' Those who are faithfully true to their Amanat( all the duties which Allah has ordained, honestly, moral responsibility and trust) and their convenants.
   ''And those who strictly guard their(five complusory congregational) salawat(prayers) (at their fixed stated hours)''
    '' Those are indeed the inheritors''
  Who shall inherits the Firdaus(paradise) They shall dwell therein forever.
       Brothers and Sisters we have agreed upon that our evil deed will not lead us to paradise rather it will lead us to hell fire then why dont we stop doing the evil deeds.
       Is time we should stop doing the bad deeds cause they are of no aid to us, note that if you dont stop the evil of what you use to do then you will be only requited for the evil bad deed you have done.
So let us continue striving for jannah in the right direction like the way a hungry lion will look for food when he is starving.
 May Allah grant us the ability to do what is good and grant us the ability to stop what is of no aid to us and to grant us paradise Ameen.


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