In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious , Allah the lord of all creations.

Laa Hawla wala quwwata illa Billaah-There is no power nor might except with Allah.

We are in a world were people are been deprived of there rights, a world were a woman is rather seen as a sex object, a world where the western media are striving and stuggling to snatch our deen away from us, a world were most of its part are ruled by tyrant ,a world were people are been killed everyday beacuse of the material possession of this life. Are we going to watch all this happen with our hands folded definitely the answer is No, then there is the need to raise the alarm.

Allah the supreme creator have called us the best of people ever raise up for mankind because we enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. This verse identify that we are people of great courage, because speaking the truth requires courage. Hence Courage is one of the characteristics of a Believer. In speaking the truth we shouldn't become reluctant.

Allah says; 

''By the time man is in loss, Except those who believe and do righteous good deeds and direct poeple towards the truth and direct people towards patient and perverance.(Quran chapter 103 verse1-3).

Allah the Almighty ordered us to tell the truth. We should not turn away from this task. We have to realise that the time does not wait for anyone and death has been prescribe upon us all and soon it will pay us a visit. 

May Allah grant us the ability to speak the truth and to act upon the truth at all times.


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