In The Name of Allah The most gracious, Allah The lord of all Creations.

Laa Hawla Wala Quwwata ila Billaah-There is no power nor might except with Allah.

The word Dawah means a call, it means an Invitation toward the religion of truth(Islam). Most at times when you talk about Dawah, people think that its only involve just delivering a lecture about Islam in the public or to talk to a non-Muslim about Islam, but Dawah does not only involve delivering a lecture but it involves everything we do has a human being. We can clearly say that Dawah is in everything we do.

Dawah is the commandment of Allah(swt) to all his slaves who believe in , literally if you don't believe in Allah there is no way you will believe that Dawah is a command of the supreme creator. Allah says in the Glorious Qur'an " Invite all to the way of their lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching and argue with them in the way that are best and gracious(Q16:125). Since Dawah is the command of Allah and his Rasul(saw), people will like to partake in it. Most challenges people face about dawah is "HOW CAN I BEGIN AND WHAT COULD I SAY" believe me or not brother and sisters Dawah starts from your attitude, because Islam is a complete way of life. Dawah exist in all the things we do, it exist in the way we talk, the way we walk and even the least i can say is that Dawah exist in the way we use the toilet. Islam is a complete way of life because Allah have told us how to leave our lives has Muslims, how to take out our religious obligation while still been in a busy environment.

There are many who converted to Islam without someone conveying the message of Islam to them,  because of  how a Muslim treated them in best manner has commanded by Allah(swt). One of the Amazing qualities of prophet Muhammad(saw) is that he treated people kindly even when treated badly, Allahu Akbar look at this Amazing character to treat a person kindly even when he treated you badly.Wallahi our character   sometimes can make someone(non-Muslim) think that this is what our religion preaches while in the sense it is not because sometimes we behave like non-Muslims, even though with us is the perfect religion. The first step to do Dawah is by changing your Attitude because you can preach what you don't do, if we are going to follow the teachings of prophet Muhammad(saw) our character only is enough to bring someone into Islam, and of course their are people who's character led a non-believer into Islam but this type of people are few in number. So we have to build our character to the best form has ordered by the prophet Muhammad(saw) we he talks about that "The best deeds are those deeds which are done regularly even it is the smallest form of deeds'' our attitude has Muslims is enough to draw someone attention to Islam but we are not doing it the way it suppose.If you have any character which you feel is not of good character you should ask Allah to help you in dealing away with such character may be your character may lead someone to Islam.

This is a story of an Imam who moved to London. He often took the bus from his home to the downtown area. Some weeks after he arrived, he had occasion to ride the same bus. When he sat down, he discover that the driver had accidentally given him a twenty pence, too much change. As he considered what to do, he thought  to himself, you better give him the twenty pence back. it would be wrong to keep it, it's only tuppence. Who would worry about this little amount? Anyway the bus company already gets too much fare; they will never miss it. Accept it as a gift from Allah(swt) and keep quiet. When he reach were he was stopping, the imam paused momentarily at the door, then he handed the twenty pence back to the driver and said, here, you gave me too much change. The driver with smile, replied, Aren't you the new Imam in this Area? i have been thinking lately about going to worship at your Masjid(mosque). I just wanted to see what you would do, if i gave you too much change. When the Imam, stepped off the bus, his knees became weak and soft, he literally grabbed the nearest light pole, and held on for support, and looked up to the heavens and cried: Oh Allah, i almost sold you and Islam for twenty pence! Allahu Akbar, never let your good attitude be offline  for even a minute, let your good attitude be online all the time,we should always be truthful in our Affairs, it could be you or me next time that Allah will put in these position of this Imam, and if we are not sincere in our affairs we might sold Islam for what is even less than twenty pence. So you can see that your attitude toward other people can attract them to Islam without even conveying the message of Islam, as i said earlier the first step to do Dawah is by changing the negative part of your Attitude. it is said that actions speak loader than words. Always try to make a positive change in the Ummah by changing your attitude to the Good side. Dawah exist in everything, it exist in modesty, to dress appropriately as Islam has ordered, send a signal to people that the wearer is a chaste and modest person which will make people to know that this is how the religion have commanded  them to dress as Muslims and if you dress inappropriately then the opposite will take place, people will begin to see you has irresponsible person and maybe they will begin to think this is what the religion perches, so you can start Dawah at home or anywhere by changing your attitude to right form, and note that your attitude or the way you are dress help in conveying the message of Islam, we shouldn't imitate the non-believers they are suppose to copy what the Muslim do because with us is the perfect religion. 

May Allah continue to guides on the right path.


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