In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious, Allah the Lord of all Creations.

 Laa Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billaah-There is no power nor might except with Allah

  Our world today is less like a War Zone, where you can now hear the sound of the singing bullets and bombs have become the easiest way to kill a mass of people.

With everyone complaining about what he/she had suffered, and with all kind of calamity befallen on this Ummah, I have delved into the book full of wisdom(Quran) to look for the solution to these problems.

Allah the Most Merciful said in Suratul Rum(30:36)

 '' And when we cause mankind to taste of mercy, they rejoice therein; but when some evil afflicts them because of ( evil deeds and sins) that their (own) hands have sent forth, behold, they are in despair!

furthermore, Allah said in Suratul Rum(30:41)

Evil(sins and disobedience) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds), that He (Allah) may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they return(by repenting to Allah, and begging his pardon). 

The two ayat above, tells us that evil and all such of calamity that has befallen on us is as a result of the bad deeds(oppression and evil deeds) we commit and these calamities have befallen on us, so that we may taste part of what we use to do. This shows that bad deeds have consequences.

The last ayat above towards the ending talks about repentance which is 

''In order, they may return ( by repenting to Allah, and begging his pardon''. 

So let everyone as an individual seek for forgiveness and let us repent sincerely to Allah and ask him for his mercy. Indeed many people are suffering from all kinds of Problems. There is the need for repentance, and indeed an urgent one, let seek for Allah's mercy because he is the one who gives mercy and protection. So let's seek for his intervention.

It is never too late, let us ask Allah to shower upon us his blessing and mercy by seeking forgiveness before the doors are closed.

 We have to know that as the Sun is given permission to rise every morning, so are we giving the permission to rise every day from our beds, but a day is coming when this privilege will be taken away.

 A day will come when we all account for every deed we have done, then we must prepare an answer for those question before it is too late.

 May Allah the Almighty grant us the ability to repent sincerely, and to protect us and all our Innocent brother and Sister suffering from all forms of evil around the globe and to grant us his mercy.


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