In The Name Of Allah the most gracious, Allah the lord of All creations.

Laa-hawla wala quwwata illa Billaah-There is no power nor might except with Allah.

What is the Ultimate Goal in life? ''And surely Paradise- it is the goal''(Q79:41) Indeed the next abode- it is truly the life(Q29:64)

Riding the latest Mercedes Benz or having the latest S5, is not our ultimate goal, wearing the latest Gucci cloths or having a mansion is not our Ultimate goal in life gaining profit from our business is not our Ultimate goal in life, having Brazilian hair or watching the latest movies in cinema is not our ultimate goal in life,acquiring $1.6 million BMW armored car is not our ultimate goal in life, to acquire private jet is not our ultimate goal in life and having all type of luxuries in this life is not Our ultimate goal in life, our ultimate an the most coveted goal in life is to seek the good pleasure of Allah and paradise. Paradise is our ultimate goal in life, but why are we not striving for it, we tend to love this life more than the life of hereafter, Allah says ''And for the life of this world is noting but enjoyment of self-delusion(Q57:20). Those who seek the ultimate goal in this life, they are doing noting but rather they will be those who will be used as fuel for jahannam. All our effort should be focused only on seeking paradise and remember Islam is a complete way of life. Paradise can only be attain by seeking the pleasure of Allah. '' The believers are only those who believe in Allah and his Apostle then they doubt not and struggle hard with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah; they are truthful ones(49:15)". The life of this world is noting but enjoyment that will make you forget the danger awaiting you when you fall to do the right thing, is time we rise from our long slumber and stick to the truth and we must not dance according to the beats of the devil(Satan) if not we will be among those that will receive our records of deeds in our left hand. Dear readers anything that will not please Allah or make you come closer To Allah(swt) it should be avoided, if watching insignificant movies will not make you come closer to Allah than we should refrain from doing that, if listening to Music will not please Allah(swt), what are you still doing with packs of music in your room or in our phones, is time you do justice to yourself before the justice of Allah(swt), if we continue to disobey Allah, then am afraid to say that we are totally on the wrong page, not even the wrong page brothers and sisters we are totally on the wrong book and we will never be successful in this life and the hereafter. When you are been called upon the truth never ignor it nor act upon it, if you think and said i will do but not now, maybe the ''later'' you are talking about will be the time of your death, try to do the right thing are the right time. "Say, The enjoyment of this world is short( and negligible its pleasure) and the hereafter is better for him who guards against; evil and keeps his duty to Allah, and you shall not be done injustice to, not even a whit. ''Death will overtake you where ever you may be, even if you be in strongly built castles''.(Q4:77-78). With this i ask Allah to make our last word on earth be the kalimatu shahada.


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