In the Name of Allah the most Gracious, Allah the lord of All creation

La Hawla wala Quwwata illa Billah-there is no power nor might except with Allah.

What about the Grave? 

What a horrific place is the grave. 

By Allah, doomed are those people who are handled by Munkar wa Nakeer(the angels of the graves) in a harsh way. 

What an evil place is a grave for those who disobey Allah and did not repent before they were been snatch away by death, and what a beautiful resting place is a grave for those who obey Allah and did not follow their evil desires. 

Aisha(RA) said she had never seen the Messenger of Allah(pbuh) but seeking refuge with Allah from the punishment in the grave in every prayer he prayed. 

The Messenger of Allah(pbuh) said: when the deceased is placed in the grave, it will say to him: Woe to you, O man! What deceived you about me? Did you not Know that I am the abode of trials, the abode of darkness, the abode of isolation, and the abode of worms? What deceived you about me when you used to pass by me when you are Alive? If he was a righteous person, someone will reply on his behalf saying; Don't you know that he used to command good and prohibits evil? The grave will say: if that is the case, I will turn green and lush for him, his body will turn to light and his soul will go up to Allah. 

Abu Hurayrah(RA) narrates that the prophet(saw) said: A believer in his grave will be in a green and lush garden. His grave will be widened till it is 70 feet. It will be illuminated to such an extent that it will be like the full moon. And regard with the punishment of the unbeliever in his grave. Ninety-nine monster will be imposed on him. Do you know what a monster is? It is ninety snakes. Each snake will have seven heads. They will maul him, devour him and blow into his body till the day of resurrection. 

Ultimately ask your self what are you aiming At, am I going towards the right direction? because no matter your status, your wealth, your knowledge and what you have gained in this world, a day will come when death will pay you a visit and you will be visited by two angels to ask you about your deeds in the graves. 

What a beautiful resting place is the grave for those who do not follow their evil desires and continue to act according to the teachings of Rasulullah(pbuh), for them also will be gardens beneath which river flows. 

With this I ask Allah to saves us from the punishment of the grave and to grant us the ability to repent and to grant us Jannatul Firdaus. 


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