In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious Allah the Lord of Allah creations.

La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah - there is no power nor might except with Allah.


Every human being has two(2) Savings Account, which is ''Good deeds savings account(GDSA)'' And the ''Bad deed Savings Account(BDSA)''. When ever you do something good it will be credited to the GDS Account and when ever you do something bad it will be credited to your BDS Account.

You will be judged according to what you have in your savings account. Pause and ask your self how many good deeds do you have in your GDS Account? And how many bad Deeds do you have in BDS Account?

For us to attain Jannah we must fill our GDSA with good deeds.

How merciful is Allah(SWT)? Can you imagine that when you do Istigifar your bad deeds will be debited from your BDS Account and your GDS account will be credited for doing the Istigifar, Ya Salam indeed Allah is Merciful. Then we must do Istigifar regularly so that our BDSA will be wiped out and your GDSA will be credited with good deeds.

Always pause before doing something and ask yourself is it going to be Credited in your GDS Account? or in your BDS Account? and remember that a day will come when the details of your account will be brought to Allah and you will be asked what happened to your BDS Account that it is so full of bad deeds and your GDS Account is so low?. Then we must do deeds that please Allah(SWT) so that we will be amongst the inheritors of Jannah.

May Allah grant us the ability to do what is right and forbid what is wrong and to grant us Jannatul Firdaus.


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