In The Name of Allah the most Gracious Allaah the Lord of All creations. 

La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there Is No Power nor Might except with Allaah. 

Ashara Mubashara Bil Jannah(The ten who were promised paradise). 

In The life time of the Prophet(PBUH), there were ten Companions who were promised Jannah. These are people who were given the glad tidings of entering paradise by the prophet(PBUH) while they were living in this world. How amazing is it to be given the glad tidings of Jannah since in this world. 

But the reality is do You know About them? 
How often do you read about the Companion of the Prophet (PBUH)? They Should be our role models.

If I were to ask you about the top ten footballers or Musicians of the world you will be able to name them, but what about that promised paradise? have you forgotten that our ultimate goal is to attain paradise by obeying Allah(SWT).

 By Allah for us to attain paradise we must emulate the character of the Sahabas(companions) of the Prophet. Indeed these are people who also follow the footsteps of the prophet(PBUH). Below are names of the ten who were promised Jannah but don't also forgot that there are also some who were promised Jannah individually by the prophet(PBUH). 

1.Abubakr As-siddiq(ra)(His real name is Abdullah ibn uthman or ibn Abu Quhafa) 
2.Umar ibn kattab(ra) 
3.Uthman ibn Affan(ra) 
4.Ali ibn Abi talib(ra) 
5.Talha ibn Ubaidullah(ra) 
6.Zubair ibn Al-Awwam(ra) 
7.Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf(ra) 
8.Sa'd ibn Abi waqqas(ra) 
9.Sa'id ibn Zayd(ra) 
10.Abu Ubaidullah Aamir ibn Abdullah ibn Al-jarrah 

This is 10 people promised Jannah. I urge you to memorize the names of these people and to learn about their life so that we can implement the character of this people into your own life. 

How wonderful and superb is the story of the Sahabas? By Allah, it is far better and more interesting than any other false tale created or that will be created ever in the movie industry. Believe me, just open the first page of the story of one of this people and see how your heart will get attracted to read more about them.

 The Sahabas are my heroes and my role models and am sure they are yours too. if not then make them your heroes and role models as well. 

May Allah reward you as you make a research about the life of the companions of the prophet and to grant you the ability to learn a lesson from their lives and to unite us with them in Jannah.


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