Adopt The Fear of Allah

In the Name of Allaah the Most gracious, Allaah the Lord of All creations.

Laa Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah.
Adopt the fear of Allah. 

Is your heart filled with intense fear such as not to be killed by the means of bomb blast or to contaminate the disease called Ebola?

Or is your heart filled with intense fear to be afflicted by any type of evil? If yes then I invite you to adopt the fear of Allah(swt) which had the ability to ward off all types of fear from your heart.

I don't see how intense fear(to be afflicted by any type of evil) can be to ward off your heart when that particular heart does not fear Allah(swt).

The solution is when you begin to adopt the fear of Allah(SWT), then it is through that fear that your heart will begin to taste the sweetness of having trust in Allah.

When the heart has no fear of Allah the creator of the universe, then that particular heart will be filled with intense fear of evil things.

With this, I ask Allah to grant us the ability to fear him the way he supposes to be feared.


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