In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, Allah the Lord of all creations.
Laa Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah.
Serve Islam by your Profession.
My beloved brothers and Sister, there are various ways we all can contribute to Islam.
First of all, I will like to stress that Seeking for religious knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim. And only through this, is our success guaranteed.
It is a fact that not all Muslims can be Masters in the interpretation of the Quran, be professional in the knowledge of hadiths and it's Science or Experts in Islamic Jurisprudence, But at we can all be good Muslims.
If we study the lives of the companions of the prophet(PBUH) we will see that Allah has blessed them in many different ways. He blessed some with the knowledge of the Quran and its meaning, some hadiths, others he blessed with Military Tactics, while others he blessed with Eloquence in Poetry.
Those blessed with Eloquence in poetry will use their eloquence in defense of the prophet (PBUH).
Not all the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) became masters in the field of the Qur'an and its interpretation, not all of them became professional in the field of hadiths but one way or the other they all served Islam.
People like Khalid ibn Walid(Ra) was not an authority when it came to the narration of hadith or interpretation of the Quran but on the battle field, he was an expert in its tactics.
As Muslims whatever position we found ourselves let use that opportunity to aid Islam. If Allah has blessed you with wealth use it to serve Islam. if it is knowledge teach it to others. we have from amongst us doctors, accountants, Nurses, Architects, Engineers etc. Whom we need in our society to serve Islam and to make the society a better place.
Everyone can make a positive impact in the society, so we shouldn't underestimate one another, if you are a carpenter there is a way you can always serve Islam. You can make wooden chairs for students to sit and learn. As a mother, serve Islam by raising your kids So they become those who contribute positively to the Society.
If we take a look at the well Uthman IBn Affan bought. The owner was a man from Banu Ghifar. Its water was far better than that of Madinah, and the owner used to sell it at a heavy price not even at a lower price. But when Uthman bought it, what happened? he made an endowment for the whole community.
We should not leave everything in the hands of the none believers. Today I ask you if for Abubakar or uthman Ibn Affan or Abdulrahman Ibn Awf (RA) were the bill gates of our time (now) what do you think will happen to the Ummah?. Imagine if all those who are the top Government officials were to be the Sahabas or were to emulate the characters of the sahabah, I ask you how good and stable will be the society?
We shouldn't become negligent when it comes to seeking religious knowledge like I said only through seeking knowledge and acting upon it, our success is guaranteed.
So let's buckle up and serve Islam through our professions. Islam need Professionals
May Allah use us as an instrument for positive change in the society and be a source of happiness in the lives of people but not a source of spreading any mischief in the land and may he grant us the ability to do what is good and to forbid what is wrong and grant us Jannatul Firdaus
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