In the name of Allah the most gracious, Allah the Lord of All creations.

La Hawla Wala Quwwata Ila Billah-there is no power nor might except with Allah.

Start your day with a reflection. 

While you sit in the parlor, with a hot coffee/tea beside you, take a sip and begin to ponder about your life. Ask your self ''how often do you do act that displeases Allah and how often do you do acts that please Allah(SWT)?

Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak rahimahullah saw Sahl Ibn' Ali rahimahullah sitting very still, deep in thought. So he asked him: "where did you reach(in your thoughts)? He replied: '' The Sirat(the bridge in the hereafter over which every person will have to cross).

Now start to ponder over your death, your Grave, the resurrection, the SirĂ t and last ponder over the last abode Paradise and hellfire.

My brother and sister, indeed we have fallen prey to the snares of the Satan by striving for this Dunya forgetting about the Akhira.

'' Surely in the creation of heavens and earth, and in the alternation of the day and night are signs for the intelligent.''(Surah Al Imran 3:190)

The Messenger(saw) said: destruction to the person who recites this verse above and does not ponder over it.''

Sufyan Ibn Uyaynah rahimahullah used to Quote the following couplet very often " if a person has the ability to reflect, he will find a lesson (and admonition) in everything.

Bishr rahimahullah said: '' if people pounders over the greatness of Allah(swt) they would not disobey Him. 

Change your life by pondering and reflecting on how your life will be when you stand before  Allah(SWT) on the day of Hisab(judgment) without anything worthy to be presented to Allah(SWT).  

Indeed reflection is the mirror which shows you your good deeds and your evils. 

May Allah(swt) protect us from the snares of the Satan and May our merciful Allah grant us the ability to ponder and reflect on our lives and grant us the ability to change.


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