Are You still hiding your Identity?

In the name of Allah the most gracious, Allah the Lord of all creations.

LA Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah.

Are You still hiding your Identity?

If the so called devil worshippers are not ashamed or afraid of disclosing their identity has devil worshippers why should we feel ashamed or feel scared of disclosing our identity as Muslims by shaving our beards, not putting the Hijab and not dressing properly as Muslims.

By Allah, we Muslims with us is the best Religion, Allah says '' who ever seek a religion other than Islam will not be accepted of him and in the hereafter, he will be one of the losers(Q3:85)

Never feel ashamed of disclosing your identity as a Muslimah by dressing modestly O Sisters in Islam and by Growing your beards O brothers In Islam.

A wonderful scenario worth narrating from the life of Umar Ibn Khattab(Ra) is when he stood in the Maqam near the Ka'aba and he made a loud announcement that he was making a hijra(disclosing his identity has a Muslim).

Never feel ashamed or afraid to disclose your identity as a Muslim where ever you might be. Be it in America, France or Israel etc. 

The tyrants at the time of the prophet(PBUH) when the Muslim had to disclose their identity as Muslims they did. So why do you feel ashamed or afraid in disclosing your identity?

May Allah(SWT) make us firm upon the religion and grant us the ability to do what is right and to forbid what is wrong.


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