In the name of Allah the most gracious, Allah the Lord of All creations.

La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah.


As the clock ticks in seconds, of every minute, of every hour, of every day the Ummah of Rasulullah(pbuh) are becoming heedless and more heedless of the fact that one day, every single soul shall stand on the plains of HASHR to be accountable for his/her deeds.

We are becoming more busy and busier in striving for this Dunya forgetting about the Akhira.

We don't think about the meeting with Allah, nor do we think about the punishment of the grave. We don't think about the intense heat of the Jahannam, nor do we think about the terror which shall occur on the day of resurrection.

The Prophet(pbuh) said '' how can I enjoy myself when the angel appointed to blow the trumpet has already placed the horn in his mouth, inclined his forehead, and listening attentively, waiting for the order to be given so that he may blow the trumpet.(Tirmidhi)

It has been narrated from the hadith of Abu Dharr may Allah be pleased with him, who said the Messenger of Allah said: verily I know what you know not, and I hear what you do not hear, the heavens moans And it is only befitting that it should do so, there is no space in the heavens the width of four fingers except that there is an Angel there prostrating on his forehead to Allah. By Allah, if you knew what I know, you would laugh little, weep much, and you would not enjoy women in your beds but would go out to the open space beseeching Allah.

O believers of Islamic monotheisms, we need constantly admonish our self not to disobey the orders of Allah(swt).

Is time we click the format button, to wipe off all our bad characters and start the installation of a new software called ''Good character'' before it is too late.

May Allah grant us the ability to do what is good and to forbid what is evil and grant us the ability to meditate over our lives and begin to change them to the right direction.


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