JEALOUSY- the disease that Devours Good Deeds.

In the name of Allah the most Gracious, Allah the Lord of All Creations.

La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah.

Should we not be aware of the disease of the heart called Jealousy(Hasad), which attacks the spiritual system of one's life. It harms our Eman also leaving the heart impure.

Unlike the Disease that attacks the body, which causes pain, discomfort, damage and lastly might result in death. This disease of the heart does damage to us than more than we think.

If care is not taking, it can destroy your relationship with God and also destroy the social relationships that existed between you and other members of the society. It has the capacity to expose you to the wrath of Allah and equally be deprived of his blessings and lastly earn you the punishment of Allah beyond imagination.

Jealousy opens so many doors to many evil. 
Jealousy brings about hatred, and hatred can bring about Murder. A person who is jealous, hating the favors bestowed by Allah upon someone else is going beyond bounds, and only repentance​ is most befitting for him. 

The first Sins by which Allah was disobeyed were three: covetousness, Arrogance, and jealousy. Covetousness by Adam, Arrogance by Iblis and Jealousy by Qabil.

It is jealousy that led Qabil to kill his brother Habil and It is this very disease that led the Brothers of Yusuf(as) to plot against him.

Jealousy opens many doors to many evils.
So be vigilant about your actions.

The Prophet(pbuh) said ''Beware of Jealousy, for verily it devours Good deeds just as the Fire devours firewood(Abu Dawood)

Brothers and sister in faith, a genuine effort is required in controlling our jealousy so it does not become hatred. When we become jealousy let's make Dua for the one Envied that Allah continues to bless him/her and us as well.

When we Envied others for the blessings Allah bestowed upon them, it is a sign that they are bound to move forward while we will remain where we are.

The story of Yusuf(As) is a lesson.

May protect us from jealousy from both sides, from being the Envier and from been Envied.


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