Let Face the Reality With sincerity !

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, Allah the Lord of all creations.

Laa Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah.

Let face the reality with sincerity.

In reality, we say we love Allah but we disobey his orders and we say we hate the Satan(Iblees) but we act according to his Whispers, Where lies the sincerity in our action?

In reality, we read the Qur'an but it does not move us from the state of darkness to the state of light? I ask again where lies the sincerity in our action?

In reality, we say we love Jannah but yet we do not strive for it, yet I ask where lies the sincerity in our action?

We say we fear Jahannam(hell) but all those actions we do and loved to do are those actions which surround the Jahannam, again where lies the sincerity in our action?

How truthful are we when we say we love Allah and His Rasul(pbuh)?

So many people on the day of resurrection will come with so many deeds but due to lack of sincerity in those deeds, it will be rejected.

As a believer, Sincerity should be the foundation of all our actions. When it is lost, our deeds are bound to collapse. 

Be Vigilant about your deeds and always strive to attach Sincerity to your actions.

We ought to make a genuine Effort in implementing sincerity in all our actions.

When we start to do things with sincerity and we put our in Allah, then we will start to witness the sweetness of being a believer of Islamic monotheism.

May Allah be our help in every matter, and may he grant us the ability to do deeds with sincerity.


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