The prime period of one's life

In the name of Allah, the most gracious Allah the Lord of All creations.

La hawla wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah.

The Prime period of one's life.

Oh, youth stand up and adhere firmly to the religion Of Allah(swt).

What is your job O youth? Chasing Girls or what? 

The period of One's youth is from the most important periods of one's life, but however, only a few people realize it.

In one of the famous hadith of Rasulullah(saw), he talked about taking benefit of five things before five, one of the things he mention was taking use of youthful age before your old age. Indeed every word of Rasulullah(pbuh) is a word of guidance if you will adhere to it, you will be successful.

The job of a youth is to prepare himself/herself to present his very soul for the sake of Allah(swt)by constantly reminding himself about why God created him?

The time of youth is the time in which you are full of strength and vigor, it is the time you are tied with fewer responsibilities, as you are alone. 

As the years pass, the responsibility pile up, the problem of the world catches up to you and will take much of your time.

But most of the youth have fallen prey to the snares of Shaytan by indulging in shameful and indecent acts.

Your youthful age is not the period for you to chase after girls, but a period for you to chase after all the good deeds.

it is the period of worship, the period of Dawah and the period for movement and activity.

Knowledge, Action, and propagation is the key to salvation to every youth, seek the knowledge, put it into practice and propagate it to others.

O youth, it is better for you to be addicted to salah than to be addicted to drugs.

Ibn Rajab al Hambali said: whoever is mindful of Allah when he is young and strong, Allah will take care of him when he is old and has become weak, and will bless him with good hearing, eyesight, strength, and intellect.

So it left upon you to prepare proper provisions and make yourself ready for the accounting with your Lord, and know tomorrow, you will be standing before your lord, and will be questioned about every one of your action.

May Allah safeguard us against all forms of evil.


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