The World of Deception
The World of Deception.
One of the ways which the world deceive a mortal is to make him forget that the enjoyment of this life is temporal, while the one Al-Akhirah is the true life.Today, People sell off their faith(iman) to attain the material life of this Dunya.
Allah the eternal merciful said. ''Let not the life of this world deceive you''(Surah Luqman, 31:33)
This wordl has decieved so many people through its delusional enjoyment.The delusional enjoyment of this world has become a barrier between us and our real purpose of our existence.
We take the risk of disobeying Allah in other to attain the delusional enjoyment of this world, whereas true enjoyment lies in the Akhirah.
Allah says;
''Nay you prefer the life of this world, while the hereafter is better and more lasting "(87:16-17)
This temporal life and its luxuries should not make us forget our appointment with the Angel of Death or the meeting with Allah(SWT).We continue to get attached to the adornment of this life. We have become carried away to the extent that we think not about the meeting with Allah nor the grave and we continue to dive into the ocean of self-delusion until death comes.
Hasn't the time come for us to realize that the more and more we seek for this world the more and more deluded we become?
I will end by quoting the saying of Mis'ar ibn Kidam(RH).
''O you who are deceived! Your day is spent in sleeping and negligence. Your night Is spent in sleeping, while destruction is bound to you. That which is temporary deceives you, yet you rejoice with hopes. Just as a dreaming person is received by pleasures in his sleep. You will soon dislike the Consequences of being preoccupied with it.
May we take heed.
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