What is it to Become Civilized?

In the name of Allah the most gracious, Allah the Lord of all creation.

La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah.

When we talk about civilization then Islam is at the top. what is civilization? According to my research, Civilization is the Quality of excellence in thought and Manners and taste.

If the burying of female children is an act that is uncivilized then the prohibition of burying female children Alive is definitely an act of civilization.

Narrated by Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Prophet(PBUH) said: If anyone has a female child, and does not bury her alive, or slight her, or prefer his children(I.e the males ones) to her, Allah will bring him into Paradise.

If the wild people who wander around forest nakedly were gradually introduced to clothing (and they abide by it) is called an act of civilization, then a person who exposes his/her nudity in the name of fashion would be referred to as a barbarian(  A person without civilization influence), because directly or indirectly they are already imitating the idea of moving/walking nakedly like those in the bush.

Then the issue of hijab in Islam will be regarded as a well-civilized way of life.

In the time of jahiliya, Sins were widely spread just like it is today, sin such as theft, Unlawful sexual activities, interest, killing, etc.

If all these things mentioned above happened in the time of jahiliyyah( the period of ignorance) and civilization is defined as the Quality of excellence in thought then it will be foolish to repeat those things now and call it civilization because there is no Quality of excellence in a person imitating the lifestyle of those who referred to as the people of ignorance.

Above all my dear readers, there is no civilization in disobeying Allah(SWT), all things which displease Allah(SWT) can never be attributed to civilization.

Obeying Allah(SWT) is the true act of civilization. Obey Allah and I say to you, you are a civilized person.

An uncivilized person is the one who disobeys his maker(Allah) while he thinks it is civilization.

When Allah said our Islam is perfect then indeed it is perfect, except that with us is a limited knowledge so we know not except little, but with Allah is the true knowledge of all things.

''This day I have perfected your religion for you completed my favor upon you and I have chosen for you Islam as your religion''(Q5:3)

May Allah bless every one of us and may Jannat ul Firdaus be our final abode. 


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