The Game Plan

In the Name of Allah the most gracious, Allah the Lord of all creations.

La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah.

The Game Plan.

Just as we know, the Human body has been designed in a way that nutrients are part of the essential elements a body needs to function properly and lack of it will result in a deficiency. So is the soul of a believer when it lacks the essential spiritual nutrients.

The Believer is bound to be in chaos when he doesn't feed his soul with the essential spiritual nutrients it needs, because of this a person becomes deficient in the aspect of Eman.

So many people who are deficient in this aspect, have deviated from the path of true Guidance to the path of Misguidance.

As Muslims, we must learn to deal away with anything that will stop us from attaining the Goal of Jannah. 

As good as the footballers are on the football pitch, they always have strategies and formations on how to tackle the opponent and win.

As Muslims, we need to have strategies on how to deal away with anything that will stop us from attaining Jannah.

What is Your Game Plan?
 If your game plan does not consist a strategy, on how to Increase your link with your maker(Allah), then you need redesign your game plan to include this strategy.

If Satan is the opposite opponent, then you need to tighten up your defense. If at this stage you are still struggling on how to pray on time, then your defensive line is weak, and you need to strengthen it up.

Whenever the striker(Satan) attacks and you were unable to block it, you act according to the whispers of the Devil.

Brother and sisters, there is a need for Self-Introspection.

How does the Satan hack into our spiritual server? Is it through our emotions, like when we are angry or hungry or is it when we are sad or happy? This we need to know.

Allah did not create us to follow the religion of Al-Islam blindly. We need to have the knowledge, how it is done? What are the tactics of the earlier predecessor? And how did they succeed? Above all, we need to seek for knowledge

When designing a Game plan, in the defense segment, I advise you to add fasting and do not bench/substitute it, for it will serve as the shield for you.

These are words of motivation to you brothers and sisters and myself to start with, a word for both the old and young and especially the youth.

We need to feed our soul with the right Spiritual nutrients. E.g Zikr, Fasting, Reading the Quran etc

 let's build our Eman and make our lives better for the sake of Allah.

May Allah inspire us with righteousness.


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