What is Your Vision in Life?

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, Allah the Lord of all creations. 

La hawala wala Quwwata Illa Billah-There is no power nor might except with Allah.

During the pre-Islamic era, Amr Ibn Alas went to Umar ibn Khattab and asked him; what is your vision O Umar? What do you wish for? And he replied that he wishes to have a herd of Camels and to live a comfortable life.

These were the vision of Umar during the pre-Islamic era. When Umar came in contact with Muhammad (PBUH), he became a Muslim, he became faruqul Ummah. 

When Umar became Amirul mumineen, Amr Ibn Alas went to Umar (RA) and said; I ask you during the days of Jahiliyah what were your visions/dreams you said this and that, today am asking you again what your vision is. What do you aspire for in life o Amirul Mumineen?

Umar replied that his vision is to strive that the religion of Al-Islam reaches every Conner of the world.

The simple analysis here is that whoever comes in contact with the message of Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (PBUH) and believes in it, it changes the person; it changes the way he thinks and everything about him, from negative to positive.

This is what happened to Umar ibn Khattab, he came in contact with the message and believed in it and he gave space for the message to take effect.

Today we have come in contact with the same message and believed in it but what has it change in us?

If at this stage you are still thinking on how to cheat on one another, the message hasn't changed you because you haven't given it a good trial.

Let's the Message of Muhammad (PBUH) flow through your body and let it take effect, by Allah you will see wonders.

Let it change the way we look, let it change the way we talk and let it change the way we think.

People are shouting for change everywhere you go, but has forgotten that the long-awaited change the whole humanity needed for its salvation has landed 1400 years ago....what change do you need when Islam is here?

Go back to history and see how people lived their life before Islam, by Allah you will shed tears.

The change is here! Give it space to change you and the people around you.

Children are been taught in school to have a low-class vision, but these visions (worldly gain vision) are temporal. For your information, the world itself and its enjoyment are for a fixed time.

Islam has come to change us, and thus will only change people who have given it space to change them.

Let's be people with high-class vision (Jannahtic vision, vision to better humanity)

Part of having a high-class vision is to strive to see the people under you, e.g. your children should be with high-class vision, visions that will make the difference.

You should not only have high-class visions, but you must also strive to see you achieve it.

It's time we sit and define our goals!
Even the footballers don't go to the field without preparation, they prepare a strategy on how to overcome their opponents and thus they go to the field and strive to see that the strategy comes into effect. 

Two things are involved strategy and hard-work.
So we need to define our goal, design a strategy, a formation and strive to see it come into effect, only then we will succeed.

The ultimate goal of every believer is to attain Jannah.

What provisions have you prepared for tomorrow? The day You stand in front of Allah.

May Allah inspire us with righteousness.


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