Who do you really Represent? Your Egos or Islam?

In the Name of Allah the most gracious, Allah the Lord of all creations.

La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah-There is no power nor might except with Allah.

Just as we have people of different level contesting for seats in the house of reps/senate to represent their pockets, so do we have People of different characters who do things according to their wimps and desires but in turns say they represent Islam.

I say to these people you represent not Islam, but Rather your are a representative of your own ego and devilish desires.

If a Man cannot represent his own people because he has substituted his own people for his own pockets, how can someone represent the religion of Al-Islam when he has substituted the laws of Allah for his own desires?

In case if we have forgotten, We are not here to change Islam but rather Islam is here to change us.

If we want to represent Islam we most polish our character, meaning we must be ready to do that which is commanded in the Qur'an even it goes against our own wish and also be ready to give up that which is prohibited by Allah and His Rasul(pbuh).

The teachings of Muhammad Ibn Abdullah(PBUH) were a reflection of his character. He says That which is good and those that which is good.

But for us today we say good but do not do good, it doesn't work this way. We most perfect both.

Allah uses to refer to this Ummah as the best of people because we are people who enjoin what is good and forbid what is wrong and people who adhere firmly to what they knew is true.

Whoever wants the mercy of Allah to descend upon him/her should strive his/her utmost to be a good Muslim.

For every civilization that has passed of the early Muslims, what ever type of goodness that was achieved then, by Allah I am pleased to say that the Muslims were part of those who brought about that good, because they work for what they know is true, they never envied the progress of one another but rather they helped each other to progress.

What the early Muslims were known to be is not what we the Muslims of nowadays are known for today

By Allah, it is shame that today when we want to send students to represent our schools in a competition we send the best students and if they perform woefully we tend to be disappointed in them.

But we are oblivious to the fact that from amongst the people of all prophets(Pbut) Allah has chosen the Ummah of Rasulullah(pbuh)as the best people to represent the Religion of Al-Islam.

We should understand here that the prophet is our teacher and a Messenger who has taught us all the necessary things to be a good Muslims but today we are falling short on this, I ask this critical question do we want to disappoint out Teacher(Muhammad Ibn Abdullah(PBUH) the day our scrolls are roll out? Subhanallah 

It is about time that every Muslims who is jealous( the good type of jealousy) of the effort of our noble Prophet(pbuh) and the Sahabas should, in turn, see this as a turning point for him to repent, and turn to Allah.

Attention: A genuine effort is required for this effect to take place.

Let us use the sense of intellect that Allah has blessed us with and evaluate and see if death is upon everyone then why do we do things that we know, if death was to meet us whilst we are in the act we are doomed.

Again Death is upon everyone! You should prepare a good provision for it before you are prepared for Janazah.

May we be forgiven


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