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In the name of Allah the most gracious, Allah the Lord of all creations.

La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Bllah, there is no power nor might except with Allah.

It saddens me a lot, to see a set of people legalizing a type of sin which made Allah destroyed a whole nation of the people of Lut (As).

Today we have people practicing sodomy and other great sins, without the fear of the punishment of Allah that might occur as a result of the sins they commit.

It has gone to the extent that even the younger children are not left out from this fitnah. They try to instill in the hearts of children the desire to commit great sins, SubhanAllah what evil is greater than this.

They are hijacking the future generation (i.e. children) in the name of freedom to learn their evil ways. So that in the future years to come, the world will be filled with evil fruits who gave birth to nothing but evil

Wallahi my beloved brothers and sisters, we also should not feel secured, Allah said;

''And fear the fitnah (affliction, trials etc) which affects not in particular (only) those of you who do wrong (but might afflict all the good and bad people) and know that Allah is severe in (punishment)'' Anfal:25

This verse above should send a shiver down our spine!. Even the younger ones at home are not left from this fitnah, for we have started to see the evil agenda of this people which they try to instill in the hearts of children.

Ibn Kathir said Allah is warning his believing servant of a fitnah, trial, and test, that encompasses the wicked and those around them. Therefore, such fitnah will not be restricted to the sinners and evildoers, rather it will reach the others if the sins are not stopped and prevented.

What is the most befitting thing a believer should do in this situation? it is what Allah had commanded, he says: 

''You enjoin what is right and forbid what is evil'', this is what every believing men and women should be doing. Whoever sees something wrong should either change it with his hand, and if he cannot, let him change it with his tongue, if he cannot then with his heart, and this is the weakest of faith.

Our parents must try harder to teach their children the right ethics and values in accordance to the teachings of our noble prophet(pbuh), not in accordance to 21st century filthy way of life of the Unbelievers. Your children are a trust to you from Allah and he will definitely ask you about it.

The Qur'an says;

''Draws closer is the reckoning of Mankind, while they turn away heedlessness'' 

Allah (swt) in the Qur'an, refers to this day as Al-Hàqqah (the Inevitable). It is the day of Al-Qari'ah(the striking hour), At-taghabun (the day of Mutual losing and winning).

If only we ponder, we will come to realize that the names which Allah used in describing this day, will suffice in awakening our negligent and corrupt hearts. Brothers and Sisters, ahead of us is a day we need to prepare for, a day which Allah (SWT) has amplified its terrors in various place in the Quran.

Allah himself has warned us severally to prepare a good provision for the hereafter and not to be negligent about the occurrence of the Inevitable day.

Allah(swt) refers to this day as inevitable, to make us understand that surely, there is no doubt about the occurrence of the hour.

If only we knew with due diligence what the hour is, we will never pay part in disobeying Allah.

Brothers and sisters! Ahead of us is the day of Al-Qariah (the day that causes a trembling). It is the day of Al-Azifah (the day when hearts will come up to the throats), It is the day when all secret will be expose, it is the day when faces will be blackened and faces will be illuminated, it is the day when neither wealth nor offspring will be of any avail except for he who comes to Allah (swt) with a sound heart, and finally it is the day of At-taghabun (the day of mutual loss and winning).

What will be our faith on this day? To this question, we all remain silent. 

The world is becoming eviler. We must tighten up our belt not to fall into its trap, for indeed whoever falls into the traps of this Dunya, surely he is amongst those who have gone astray.

As disbelievers Try to enlighten their children about disbelief, let's try to enlighten our children and everyone else about the good kept in obeying Allah and Also the punishment Kept for the one who disobeys Allah.

O Our merciful Allah! As our world is becoming more of evil, Ya Allah makes us not amongst those that will be part of it, protect the believing men and women, and protect the up coming generation from evil and great sins and make us eligible for intercession. 

Peace and salutation of Allah (swt) be upon 
Muhammad (saw), his family and his companions.

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