Who are the Losers?

In the name of Allah the most gracious, Allah the Lord of all creation.

La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is power nor might except with Allah.

The Qur'an tells us that we all came from Allah and to Him, we shall all return.

And when I sit and think, I ask myself is it a success to return to Allah without having the opportunity to See this Allah?

losers are those who came from Allah and will surely return back to Allah without having the privilege to see the face of this Allah.

And Successful are those Who came from Allah and will return back to Allah with their Faces radiant looking at their Lord(Allah).

If only seeing Allah is the blessing available in the hereafter, then everything is worth sacrificing in this Dunya to achieve this.

What blessing is greater than having to see the face of your lord, your maker, your creator.

The prophet(saw): said everybody will enter Jannah Except those who refuse.

The greatest blessing of all blessings is seeing the Allah, the creator who created you.

You have the choice to Choose between the face of Allah and your Lustful desires.


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