Boarding Schools and the need for Parents to prevent their children from being victims of abuse.

In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficient, the most merciful.

The damage caused by abuse can last for a lifetime, which can even cause emotional and psychological problems for the victim. The well-known adage says prevention is better than cure.
We all know that the issue of homosexuality has crept into our society, and because of this menace, the Boarding School is no longer a reliable method of School.

The manifest function of the school is to provide education for the students, but today the boarding school is fulfilling the Latent Function (Unintended function) of spreading the act of Homosexuality amongst Students and other social Vices.

I read once on Twitter a pathetic story of how a deaf Student (Deaf for that matter) was sodomized many times by his School father. He described how he was abused by his school father using the deaf sign. And there are many cases of abuse still going.

Even before the issue of homosexuality between students in boarding school was discovered, students learn drug abuse and stealing while in school. A lot of children learn to bully through boarding schools. When they get bullied and abused by their seniors, the feeling of revenge stick to their heart. When they assume the post of seniority they bullied their junior students also. Anyone who went through boarding school knows that bullying is a reality in many boarding schools.
It has become evident that when parents send their children to boarding school, it deprives them quality time to access adequately the behaviour of their children, hence day by day the children adopt deviant behaviours that are harmful to them and the society at large.

The role of parents towards building a stable society cannot be overemphasised, hence our parents need to take drastic measures towards curtailing this menace. The best people to look after the children is the parent themselves, no one or institution can do this job better.
I believe times have changed and the negative impact associated with Boarding Schools is proving to be more than its positive impact. It is time our parent take drastic measures with regards to this issue.
Save your child from being a victim of abuse, the Day School is a better option.


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