
Showing posts from August, 2014

Don't just read, but ponder and reflect upon it teachings

In the Name of Allah The most gracious, Allah the Lord of all creations. La Hawla wala quwwata illa Billah - there is no power nor might except with Allah. Don't just read, but ponder and reflect upon it teachings. Believe me every single letter, every single ayat/verse and every single chapter of the Qur'an is there for us to read, ponder and reflect upon it teachings.


In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, Allah the Lord of all creations. Laa Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah. Serve Islam by your Profession. My beloved brothers and Sister, there are various ways we all can contribute to Islam. First of all, I will like to stress that Seeking for religious knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim. And only through this, is our success guaranteed. It is a fact that not all Muslims can be Masters in the interpretation of the Quran, be professional in the knowledge of hadiths and it's Science or Experts in Islamic Jurisprudence, But at we can all be good Muslims. If we study the lives of the companions of the prophet(PBUH) we will see that Allah has blessed them in many different ways. He blessed some with the knowledge of the Quran and its meaning, some hadiths, others he blessed with Military Tactics, while others he blessed with Eloquence in Poetry. Those blessed with Eloquence in poetry will use thei...


In the name of Allah the most gracious, Allah the Lord of All creations. La Hawla Wala Quwwata Ila Billah-there is no power nor might except with Allah. Start your day with a reflection.  While you sit in the parlor, with a hot coffee/tea beside you, take a sip and begin to ponder about your life. Ask your self ''how often do you do act that displeases Allah and how often do you do acts that please Allah(SWT)? Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak rahimahullah saw Sahl Ibn' Ali rahimahullah sitting very still, deep in thought. So he asked him: "where did you reach(in your thoughts)? He replied: '' The Sirat(the bridge in the hereafter over which every person will have to cross). Now start to ponder over your death, your Grave, the resurrection, the SirĂ t and last ponder over the last abode Paradise and hellfire. My brother and sister, indeed we have fallen prey to the snares of the Satan by striving for this Dunya forgetting about the Akhira. '' Surely in the creatio...

Adopt The Fear of Allah

In the Name of Allaah the Most gracious, Allaah the Lord of All creations. Laa Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah. Adopt the fear of Allah.  Is your heart filled with intense fear such as not to be killed by the means of bomb blast or to contaminate the disease called Ebola? Or is your heart filled with intense fear to be afflicted by any type of evil? If yes then I invite you to adopt the fear of Allah(swt) which had the ability to ward off all types of fear from your heart. I don't see how intense fear(to be afflicted by any type of evil) can be to ward off your heart when that particular heart does not fear Allah(swt). The solution is when you begin to adopt the fear of Allah(SWT), then it is through that fear that your heart will begin to taste the sweetness of having trust in Allah. When the heart has no fear of Allah the creator of the universe, then that particular heart will be filled with intense fear of evil things. With this, I ...


In The Name of Allah the most Gracious Allaah the Lord of All creations.  La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there Is No Power nor Might except with Allaah.  Ashara Mubashara Bil Jannah(The ten who were promised paradise).  In The life time of the Prophet(PBUH), there were ten Companions who were promised Jannah. These are people who were given the glad tidings of entering paradise by the prophet(PBUH) while they were living in this world. How amazing is it to be given the glad tidings of Jannah since in this world.  But the reality is do You know About them?  How often do you read about the Companion of the Prophet (PBUH)? They Should be our role models. If I were to ask you about the top ten footballers or Musicians of the world you will be able to name them, but what about that promised paradise? have you forgotten that our ultimate goal is to attain paradise by obeying Allah(SWT).  By Allah for us to attain paradise we must emulate the character of the ...