
Showing posts from September, 2014

The prime period of one's life

In the name of Allah, the most gracious Allah the Lord of All creations. La hawla wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah. The Prime period of one's life. Oh, youth stand up and adhere firmly to the religion Of Allah(swt). What is your job O youth? Chasing Girls or what?  The period of One's youth is from the most important periods of one's life, but however, only a few people realize it. In one of the famous hadith of Rasulullah(saw), he talked about taking benefit of five things before five, one of the things he mention was taking use of youthful age before your old age. Indeed every word of Rasulullah(pbuh) is a word of guidance if you will adhere to it, you will be successful. The job of a youth is to prepare himself/herself to present his very soul for the sake of Allah(swt)by constantly reminding himself about why God created him? The time of youth is the time in which you are full of strength and vigor, it is the time you are tied with...

Lets holdfast to the Sunnah of Rasulullah(pbuh)

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, Allah the Lord of All Creations. La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor except with Allah. Let's hold fast to the Sunnah of Rasulullah(PBUH). Indeed whoever follows the Sunnah of Rasulullah(PBUH) till his/her last breath is among the successful ones by the will of Allah.  The formula for successful life lies in the hadith narrated by Abu Huraira(Ra) he said Allah's Apostle said, ''All my followers will enter Paradise except those who refuse." They said, O Allah's Apostle! Who will refuse?'' He said, whoever obeys me will enter paradise, and whoever disobeys me is the one who refuses. Doing actions according to the teachings of Rasulullah(PBUH) is an act of obedience while doing Actions with no root or Not in accordance with the teachings of Rasulullah while knowing is an act of disobedience.   Your love for the Messenger of Allah(PBUH) is incomplete without you following his teachings. The Compan...

The World of Deception

The World of Deception. One of the ways which the world deceive a mortal is to make him forget that the enjoyment of this life is temporal, while the one Al-Akhirah is the true life.Today, People sell off their faith(iman) to attain the material life of this Dunya. Allah the eternal merciful said. ''Let not the life of this world deceive you''(Surah Luqman, 31:33) This wordl has decieved so many people through its delusional enjoyment.The delusional enjoyment of this world has become a barrier between us and our real purpose of our existence. We take the risk of disobeying Allah in other to attain the delusional enjoyment of this world, whereas true enjoyment lies in the Akhirah. Allah says;  ''Nay you prefer the life of this world, while the hereafter is better and more lasting "(87:16-17) This temporal life and its luxuries should not make us forget our appointment with the Angel of Death or the meeting with Allah(SWT).We continue to get...

Are You still hiding your Identity?

In the name of Allah the most gracious, Allah the Lord of all creations. LA Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah. Are You still hiding your Identity? If the so called devil worshippers are not ashamed or afraid of disclosing their identity has devil worshippers why should we feel ashamed or feel scared of disclosing our identity as Muslims by shaving our beards, not putting the Hijab and not dressing properly as Muslims. By Allah, we Muslims with us is the best Religion, Allah says '' who ever seek a religion other than Islam will not be accepted of him and in the hereafter, he will be one of the losers(Q3:85) Never feel ashamed of disclosing your identity as a Muslimah by dressing modestly O Sisters in Islam and by Growing your beards O brothers In Islam. A wonderful scenario worth narrating from the life of Umar Ibn Khattab(Ra) is when he stood in the Maqam near the Ka'aba and he made a loud announcement that he was making a hijra(...

JEALOUSY- the disease that Devours Good Deeds.

In the name of Allah the most Gracious, Allah the Lord of All Creations. La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah. Should we not be aware of the disease of the heart called Jealousy(Hasad), which attacks the spiritual system of one's life. It harms our Eman also leaving the heart impure. Unlike the Disease that attacks the body, which causes pain, discomfort, damage and lastly might result in death. This disease of the heart does damage to us than more than we think. If care is not taking, it can destroy your relationship with God and also destroy the social relationships that existed between you and other members of the society. It has the capacity to expose you to the wrath of Allah and equally be deprived of his blessings and lastly earn you the punishment of Allah beyond imagination. Jealousy opens so many doors to many evil.  Jealousy brings about hatred, and hatred can bring about Murder. A person who is jealous, hating the favors besto...

Let Face the Reality With sincerity !

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, Allah the Lord of all creations. Laa Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah. Let face the reality with sincerity. In reality, we say we love Allah but we disobey his orders and we say we hate the Satan(Iblees) but we act according to his Whispers, Where lies the sincerity in our action? In reality, we read the Qur'an but it does not move us from the state of darkness to the state of light? I ask again where lies the sincerity in our action? In reality, we say we love Jannah but yet we do not strive for it, yet I ask where lies the sincerity in our action? We say we fear Jahannam(hell) but all those actions we do and loved to do are those actions which surround the Jahannam, again where lies the sincerity in our action? How truthful are we when we say we love Allah and His Rasul(pbuh)? So many people on the day of resurrection will come with so many deeds but due to lack of sincerity in those deeds, it wi...


In the name of Allah the most gracious, Allah the Lord of All creations. La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah- there is no power nor might except with Allah. CRY FOR YOURSELF BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. As the clock ticks in seconds, of every minute, of every hour, of every day the Ummah of Rasulullah(pbuh) are becoming heedless and more heedless of the fact that one day, every single soul shall stand on the plains of HASHR to be accountable for his/her deeds. We are becoming more busy and busier in striving for this Dunya forgetting about the Akhira. We don't think about the meeting with Allah, nor do we think about the punishment of the grave. We don't think about the intense heat of the Jahannam, nor do we think about the terror which shall occur on the day of resurrection. The Prophet(pbuh) said '' how can I enjoy myself when the angel appointed to blow the trumpet has already placed the horn in his mouth, inclined his forehead, and listening attentively, waiting for the or...